March 23, 2022

Her Story is our Story: Tania Gutierrez

Tania Gutierrez story in coffee is the story of her resilience and determination to move her life forward. With just 32 years she has gone through many obstacles but it’s the way she has overcome them what has defined her story. Tania works as a commission agent during the harvest season in Peñas Blancas, Jinotega in Nicaragua. Her job is to receive coffee from producers, nurture client relationships as well as purchase coffee.

Her story in coffee began at college where she became an agronomist. “I come from a low-income family and this is what we could afford but it turned out to be what I enjoy the most doing. I love interacting with producers and receiving their coffee knowing that it’s on the way to the mill!”. Even though when Tania began working with CISA, four harvests ago, she knew very little about being a commission agent, she quickly learned ansd excelled in her responsibilities. “Everything I know, I learned it here, it was my first time working in something like this.”

As a single mom of 3 children, she has gone through life-changing events that have made her stronger, resilient, and self-sufficient. “I have been able to have a better quality of life for my family. My 5-year-old daughter has autism and I didn’t even think she was going to make it to this age due to her health problems when she was just a baby.” Now, Tania is able to provide for her family, hire help for her children and even have her own shoe store with her earnings as a commission agent. For Tania, her story of progress is written with coffee. Her story is our story. Her passion and dedication to coffee are part of the writing pen in our story of building a better coffee world.

24 May 2018
Export Operations

Mercapital received financing to support small producers in Nicaragua

Recently, Seeds for Progress Foundation received the National Award for Social Responsibility in Education in the category of Scholar…

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24 May 2018
Export Operations

Making coffee plantations cleaner and safer

Recently, Seeds for Progress Foundation received the National Award for Social Responsibility in Education in the category of Scholar…

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24 May 2018
Export Operations

The Mercon Group hosts its annual Producers’ Event in Nicaragua

CISA Exportadora, member of the Mercon Group, honored more than 3,000 producers during the annual Producers’ Event in Nicaragua…

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