May 20, 2022

Coffee That Keeps on Giving

Michael Jackson’s Story

Michael Jackson Hernandez always knew he could bring change to his community. He was born in the Yanke 2 community in Jinotega, Nicaragua to a coffee-growing family. Michael’s parents worked on their small 1.8-hectare farm while Michael, the oldest sibling, would have to sometimes look after his younger brother and sister.

Michael’s connection to coffee goes beyond his family. Michael attended pre-school at Las Marias, a school sponsored by the Seeds for Progress Foundation, a non-profit that provides quality education for more than 6,000 students in coffee-growing communities of Nicaragua and Guatemala. While the school improved its infrastructure and growth through Seeds for Progress’ support, so did Michael.

When he reached the 3rd year of high school, Michael had already left a huge mark on his school. One day, he was called to the principal’s office to give him the life-changing news that he was selected by the Seeds for Progress Foundation to receive a full scholarship to finish high school at the Agricultural and Tourism Technical School of La Bastilla. Michael was so excited that he couldn’t wait to tell his parents the good news.

Michael’s new journey began in La Bastilla, away from his family and friends but filled with determination and excitement to fulfill his dreams. “The scholarship gave me an opportunity to not only study, but it also opened the doors to a world that I didn’t know. It opened the door to new opportunities” says Michael.

The scholarship was a steppingstone for greater things for Michael. After reaching his goal of graduating high school as well as receiving a technical degree, Michael, who is now 18 years old, set his eyes for EARTH University in Costa Rica. He knew it wouldn’t be easy but with the education he received and the help of his family, friends and the Seeds for Progress Foundation, Michael was granted a scholarship to EARTH where he is currently pursuing a degree in Agricultural Ciences. The future looks bright for Michael and his dream of being an agent of change in his community is becoming a reality.

“I want to be an agent of change in my community and my country, support my family and friends through everything I learn”

Michael Jackson Hernandez Through the Seeds for Progress Foundation, Mercon Specialty is proud to support students such as Michael. For every pound of specialty coffee we sell, we donate 2 cents to Seeds for Progress Foundation. By purchasing our specialty coffees, you too can support students like Michael who have a bright future ahead.

To learn more about the work of Seeds for Progress Foundation click here!

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